Önvezető rendszerek fejlesztése az ELTE Informatikai Karán – Nyílt Nap 2023.01.20.

Computer Vision Research at the ELTE Faculty of Informatics

GCVG bemutatkozó videó

Relative planar motion for vehicle-mounted cameras from a single affine correspondence
ICRA 2020

Least-squares Optimal Relative Planar Motion for Vehicle-mounted Cameras
ICRA 2020

Automatic LiDAR-camera calibration using a spherical target
Conference talk ICRA 2020, Tóth et. al.

Sphere reconstruction and back-projection of 3D points
ICRA 2020, Tóth et. al.

Colorized point cloud – LiDAR-camera Calibration in a Uniaxial 1-DoF Sensor System
Tófalvi et. al.

5cam cropped

5cam outside

2points method
w/ ELTECar

2points method 5points used
w/ ELTECar

5 points method
w/ ELTECar

Dense optical flow kalman filter
w/ ELTECar

Valós idejű LiDARfeldolgozás
w/ ELTECar

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Code #LikeABosch – Hackademix

Dear MSc and BSc Students,    We are pleased to announce the third Bosch programming contest for location detection. The contest is open to BSc and MSc students of ELTE, BME, ÓE,

Fast Surface Normal Estimation from Affine Transformations

We have a novel paper, accepted for ICCV2023. Authors: Levente Hajder, Lajos Lóczi, Daniel Barath Abstract We present a new solver for estimating a surface normal from a single affine

2nd Bosch-ELTE Student Competition

The result of the competition is as follows: 1) Pál Szeiler and Milán Matók (100%) 3) Martin Sallai (99%) 4) Máté Poór (89%) Congratulations for the students. Dear MSc and