Dear MSc and BSc Students,   

We are pleased to announce the third Bosch programming contest for location detection. The contest is open to BSc and MSc students of ELTE, BME, ÓE, and PPKE.

More information on the website of the competition.

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Fast Surface Normal Estimation from Affine Transformations

We have a novel paper, accepted for ICCV2023. Authors: Levente Hajder, Lajos Lóczi, Daniel Barath Abstract We present a new solver for estimating a surface normal from a single affine

Színezett LiDAR pontfelhő

Autóra szerelt kamerák lépeiből, és LiDAR adatokból rekonstruált jelenetek. LiDAR és kamerák helyzete egymáshoz képest: A készülő cikk kézirata: IJCV manualscript

ELTECar: Real-time Sensor Data Recording and Processing for an Autonomous Vehicle

Our colleagues have published a paper at GRAFGEO2024 which overviews how ELTECar can be applied to save traffic situations recorded by different vehicle-mounted sensors.   A client-server approach for MS