Our colleagues have published a paper at GRAFGEO2024 which overviews how ELTECar can be applied to save traffic situations recorded by different vehicle-mounted sensors.  

A client-server approach for MS Windows has been developed. You can download the client and server if you click on the links. 


Example client:

Data can be found using the links at https://www.hackademix.hu/timeline-of-the-contest/. The server can load these files.

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Bosch-ELTE Student Competition for Parking Car Detection

The result of the first Bosch-ELTE competition is as follows: 1) Barbara Szabó 2) Dávid Fischer 3) Bence Csabai Congratulations for the students. The original proposal can be read here:

Színezett LiDAR pontfelhő

Autóra szerelt kamerák lépeiből, és LiDAR adatokból rekonstruált jelenetek. LiDAR és kamerák helyzete egymáshoz képest: A készülő cikk kézirata: IJCV manualscript

Congratulations to Tarlan Ahadli

Congratulations to Tarlan Ahadli, PhD student of our research group, to who was awarded the ‘Best Talk of the Image Processing’ price at the Conference of PhD Students in Computer