3D Sensing and Sensor Fusion

Computer Vision

Lectures: on Tuesdays, 10:15-11:45 , lecture hall -1.62 (North Building)


  • On Wednesdays 16.15-17.45,
    • North building, room 0.99



1st: Registration week
3rdEstimation theory: inhomogeneous linear systems, homogeneous sytems, circle estimation
4thLiDAR-Camera calibration using a spherical target
5thPoint set registration
8thLiDAR-Camera MATLAB toolbox using chessboards
9th – fall break
12thLie algebra
13thLie algebra (cont.)
14thPoint-ellipse distance. Iterative & Weighted Least-Squares Estimation

Peter Kozma’s lecture slides:


  • 18th December 11:00
  • 3rd January 16:00 (room 0-409, South Building)
  • 17th January 16:00 (room 2-502, South Building)
  • 31st January 16:00 (room 0-412, South Building)

Topics for oral exam (preliminary)

At the oral exam, two topics will be randomly selected.

Qestions from Peter Kozma:

1. Self-driving future.
2. Camera.
3. LiDAR.

Questions from Iván Eichhardt/Levente Hajder

  1. Over-determined linear system of equations. Circle and ellipse fitting.
  2. Application of the L1 norm; the iterative reweighted least squares algorithm.
  3. Optimal point registration algorithm.
  4. Sphere radius estimation on LiDAR and camera. Pose (rotation+translation) estimation between a camera and a LiDAR device.
  5. Lie theory – SO(3): Describe the relation of skew symmetric matrices, infinitesimal rotation. How to derive the exponential map. Closed from for the exponential and logarithmic maps. Alternative representations of 3D rotation.
  6. Lie theory – SE(3): Describe & define notable linear groups (GL(n) etc.). Representation of rigid motion, Exp, Log. Application(s) of SE(3).
  7. Lie theory – Applications: Describe the relation of a Lie group and its corresponding Lie algebra. Why is the Identity element of the group so important? Exp, Log, boxplus, boxminus. Interpolation. Uncertain 3D rotation, composition…

Final grade

The final grade is the sum of oral exam (max. 25+25=50) and assignment scores. At least 20 points should be reached both from oral exam and assignment scores.

Thresholds for marks as follows:

  • Excellent (5): >=85
  • Good (4): 70-84
  • Satisfactory (3): 55-69
  • Pass (2): 40-54
  • Fail (1): 0-39