Lectures: on Mondays, 12:30-14:00 , lecture hall 7-206 Egyed László (South Building)
Practices: On Tuesdays 10.15-11.45, 2.219 Graphics Lab (South Building)
Week | Lecture | Laboratory |
1st – Registration week | ||
2nd | Introduction | Intro to 3D Computer Vision |
3rd | Estimation theory: inhomogeneous linear systems | Vehicle and sensor kit demonstration ( videos of 2023) |
4th | Circle Estimation Lagrange mutliplier technique. | Affine/Perspective transformations |
5th | Robust fitting: RANSAC method | RANSAC |
6th | Homogeneous systems, Lagrange multipliers. Point-line/plane distances. Optimal line/plane fitting. | Point-cloud visualization |
7th | ||
8th | ||
9th | ||
10th | ||
11th | ||
12th | ||
13th | ||
14th | ||
15th |
Fall semester of 2024
3D Computer Vision
Lectures: on Mondays, 8:25-9:55 , lecture hall 0.79 0.79 Jánossy Lajos lecture hall, (North Building)
- On Wednesdays 17.55-19.25, South building at
- South building 0-311 Konig terem room
- South building 0-312 Gallai Tibor room
- (South building 0-220 Kárteszi Ferenc room)
- Levente Hajder
- Tamás Tófalvi
- Tarlan Ahadli
- Máté Poór
- Muhammad Rafi Faisal
Week | Lecture | Laboratory |
1st – Registration week | ||
2nd | Introduction | Vehicle and sensor kit demonstration ( videos of 2023) |
3rd | Estimation theory: inhomogeneous linear systems | OpenCV installation, GUI by OpenCV |
4th | Lagrange multipliers; homogeneous linear systems, point-line/plane distances | Affine Transformations |
5th | Random Sampling Consensus (RANSAC) | RANSAC (Whiteboard) |
6th | Optimal Plane Fitting; SVD; Camera models | Pointset visualization (Whiteboard) |
7th | Back-projection. Introduction to homographies. | Multi-model fitting |
8th | Homography Estimation. Data Normalization. | National holiday (break) |
9th – fall break | ||
10th | Camera Calibration, RQ-decomposition. | Homography Estimation |
11th | Introduction to Stereo Vision | Point registration: theory & source code |
12th | Stereo vision (cont) | Tomasi-Kanade factorization (theory, source: Win, Linux) |
13th | Stereo vision (cont) | Camera Calibration |
14th | Planar motion Numerical optimization | Stereo pipeline |
15th | Bundle adjustment. Special hardwares. | (sources in Canvas) |
Oral exams:
- 18th December 11:00
- 3rd January 10:00 (room 0-409, South Building)
- 7th January 10:00 (0-412 Rényi)
- 17th January 10:00 (0-412 Rényi)
- 24th January 10:00 (0-412 Rényi)
- 31th January 16:00 (0-412 Rényi)
Assignment presentations:
- 16th December 16:00 (online)
- 2nd January 16:00 (online)
- 6th January 16:00 (online)
- 16th January 16:00 (online)
- 23rd January 16:00 (online)
- 31th January 16:00 (in person, during the oral exam)
Topics for oral exams
- Basic estimation theory: solution for homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear system of equations.
- Robust fitting methods: the RANSAC method.
- Multi-model fitting: sequential RANSAC, MultiRANSAC
- Camera models: perspective camera, orthogonal projection, weak-perspective camera.
- Calibration of perspective camera using a spatial calibration object: Estimation and decomposition of projection matrix.
- Chessboard-based calibration of perspective cameras. Radial and tangential distortion.
- Plane-plane homography. Panoramic images by homographies.
- Estimation of homography. Data normalization.
- Basics of epipolar geometry. Essential and fundamental matrices. Rectification.
- Estimation of essential and fundamental matrices. Data normalization. Decomposition of essential matrix.
- Triangulation for both standard and general stereo vision.
- Stereo vision for planar motion.
- Tomasi-Kanade factorization: multi-view reconstruction by orthogonal and weak-perspective camera models.
- Reconstruction by merging stereo reconstructions. Registration of two point sets by a similarity transformation.
- Numerical optimization
- Numerical multi-view reconstruction: bundle adjustment.
Tomasi-Kanade factorization with missing data.Reconstruction by special devices: laser scanning, depth camera, LiDAR.
Final grade
The final grade is the sum of oral exam (max. 100%) and assignment scores. At least 40% should be reached both from oral exam and assignment scrores.
Thresholds for marks as follows:
- Excellent (5): >=170%
- Good (4): 140-169%
- Satisfactory (3): 110-139%
- Pass (2): 80-109%
- Fail (1): 0-79%